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Splattered Paint
Prayer Project

Anne Lamont says "Even when we don’t know much about prayer or about God, somehow, even in our ‘not knowing’ we have ways to deal with the mysteries surrounding both. Prayer can be motion and stillness and energy all at the same time."


Jesus’ confidence in the power of prayer is clear: Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7). Yet, when we pray, we still don’t know what kind of future transformation will unfold. Prayer might mean loosening our grip on certainty.


Prayer has the power to be our "yes" to a God who shoulders all that is possible and impossible about life on this spinning blue marble we call home. Prayer means embracing the God who is Possibility Itself. Prayer has the power to become a posture of gratitude and freedom and honesty. Prayer enables interdependence with the One who hears our prayers from a place that is deeper than language. Prayer offers to God that part of ourselves that is beyond our power to articulate what is broken and beautiful about life.


Even though God might hear our prayers in a way that is beyond-language, as humans, we still continue to have an inherent need to name before God what is possible and impossible about life today: joy and suffering, weeping and rejoicing, delight and distress, celebration and concern.


I am seeking the opportunity to pray for people from diverse life situations, and well-worn human milestones: births and deaths, marriages and divorces, transitions and goodbyes, diagnosis and recovery, birthdays and memories, frustrations and surprises. 


If you would like to participate in this prayer project, please fill out the form below and I will write you a prayer.

Prayer Project

Thanks for submitting!

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